Asdfmovie Wiki

Asdfmovie6 is the sixth episode of the Asdfmovie series. It was uploaded to YouTube on February 9, 2013. It is also the first appearance of Dougal Flopguy. The opening skit is "In the Face" and the closing skit is "Is Anyone Here a Doctor?"


Written and Directed by

  • Thomas "TomSka" Ridgewell

Music by

  • Todd "LilDeuceDeuce" Bryanton

Animated by

  • Ben "Wonchop" Smallman

Sound Assistance by

  • Dan Pugsley

Voice Cast[]

  • Thomas "Tomska" Ridgewell
  • DukeLovesYou
  • Jason "Filmcow" Steele
  • Brock "Mcgoiter" Baker
  • Sean Klitzner
  • Chloe Dungate
  • Michael "Vsauce" Stevens
  • Dean Dobbs
  • Todd Bryanton as Do The Flop Guy


Angry Guy: I'm going to punch your face!

(Victim major gasps)

Angry Guy: (slowly) IN THE FACE.

Victim: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO... (The screen zooms in to show a smaller face on the victims forehead, and then gets punched)



Teacher: Hello, and welcome to Standing Up School. (One student falls) And, you fail. (points stick at the student who fell)


(Guy plays trumpet)

Policeman: Hey, you got a license for that?

Guy: You're never taking me alive!

(blows trumpet into his non-existent ear, like shooting himself with a gun, killing himself)


Door: (muffled) Knock, knock!

Man: Who's there?

Door: (slamming open on the man) The door!


Guy 1: Hey, do you know that carrots are good for your eyesight?

(Guy 2 puts carrots in his eyes)

Guy 2: (deep voice) You lied to me.


Singer 1: ♪ Hello... ♪

Singer 2: ♪ Hello...♪

Singer 3: ♪ Hello...♪

(Singer 4 steps on Mine Turtle)

Mine Turtle: Hello!

All Singers: ♪ Oh, no! ♪

(Mine Turtle and singers got exploded)


Woman: Ooh, a puppy!

Man: Oh, careful honey. He has a knife.

Dog: Eeh, what? No! No I don't!


Dougal Flopguy: (slides into crowd) Everybody do the flop!!

(everybody flops on the ground)


Guy (off-screen): Hello, burger!

Burger: (face appears) I used to be a cow.

Guy (off-screen): Oh!


And now, the funniest thing you've ever seen. From really far away.

Guy 2 (distant): Hey, do you have a menu? (however, it's unclear what he's saying, but then explodes distantly)

Guy 1 (distant): Apples!


Singers (singing):♪ He's a magical pony flying through the sky on a magical journey just for you and I-

Army Guy 1: Shoot him down.

(Army Guy 2 fires cannon at pony)

(Magical Pony explodes)


(Man looking at his watch)

Man: I have no idea how to breathe.


Dad: What are you drawing, honey? 

Girl: I'm drawing a bear! (Is revealed to be drawing the bear on a bear, but then gets eaten)

Bear: (eats her)


Guy 1: Quick, don't think about cats!

(Guy 2 regurgitates many cats)


Mom: Here comes the aeroplane!

Baby: (opens mouth)

(airplane crashes into a house, both died)

(credits roll)

(Stupid Guy 2 chokes)

Stupid Guy 1: Is anybody here a doctor?

Doctor: I am!

Stupid Guy 1: Well, you're a nerd!

(Stupid Guy 2 becomes unconscious and high-fives Stupid Guy 1)

(credits roll continue)



  • Starting from here, the rest of the asdfmovies maintain the same art style until asdfmovie13. However, the style returns in asdfmovie14.
  • The Three Stooges "Hello" chord was featured in this asdfmovie.
  • TomSka only voiced the Mine Turtle in this asdfmovie.
  • The Pony skit from asdfmovie5 continues in this episode.
  • The baby in the second to the last skit is possibly Ryan.
  • This is the first asdfmovie where the thumbnail features a character that appears in the most popular skit, that being Dougal Flopguy (aka Do The Flop Guy).
  • This episode was completely colorless.